
scratchy monkey

Kids have a funny way of attaching the whole family to a specific item. In our house, we are ever in love with scratchy monkey. Named for the way foster endearingly scratches his noggin, he is one of three identical monkeys purchased in case our scratchiest monkey happened to become estranged. Scratchy is easily identified from his peers by his disheveled stature. He is clearly the most worn. Chewed. Freyed. Loose. Payable. Loved. My foster snuggles and sleeps and carries and includes scratchy in all facets of our life. The car. The potty. The store. The ever popular baby in my belly scenario. Scratchy rides remote controlled jeeps and in the underseat compartment of fosters hotwheel bike. He high kicks with ease. He can fly faster than buzz lightyear and gives gumby a stretch for his money. He knows how to calm tears and wipe away fearful situations. I've even seen him dive from atop the highest banister a time or two. I don't know how long he will be in our lives but I must attest that I too love our scratchy friend. I've even become akin to his location at all times...a sort of scratchy gps homing device. He's our scratchy. You can't help but love his scratchy little face :)

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  1. So cute - everyone has a "scratchy" at some point in their life (or I at least hope they do)! Mine was called Boppers. :) Thanks for the cute little story.


  2. I know what you mean! I love all Kyra's bears and Kylie's sheep! I cried so much when we thought we lost them. I have set limits to where they can go because I can't imagine one of my girls having to go to bed without their favorite friend!

  3. Love the name scratchy!

    I had a goat named Michelle and when people asked me why I liked her so much I would say because she smelled like pee! My family loves to tell that story to embarrass me...



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