
henricks weldon

do you ever think about who you are?
what your name means?
what the last call on your cell phone means?
what your "side" of the closet means
and if it's tidy or in a state of deshevelment
mine happens to be both.
i tend to keep one part quite lovely and the other part in dire need of a super nanny.
but sometimes i think my closet likes it that way :)

i often look at life in passing by moments
breathing in each adventure as it walks by
but then, try as i may, some days pass faster than others
and i wonder what it all means.

who am i?
the age old ponderance.

my facebook says i am "angie henricks weldon"
my driver's licence apparently doesn't remember the "henricks" part
my friends call me "ang"
my husband has never called me "angie" or "angela"
my dad has never called me "ang"
my brother remembers us when hiltop academy was still in existance.

i have a million ideas
i have a million thoughts
i find myself looking for inexpensive ways to express them
but alas, most of ideas have expensive taste :)

i love dark wall colors.
especially in small rooms.
i love the taste of stale popcorn.
i have a rip in my favorite pair of jeans
i love being at home.
i have been out of highschool for more than 10 years.
i can't remember the last time i went swimming in the ocean
i love driving with no where to go
i love long jeans
and long windedness
i love trying something new on the menu
and trying something tried and true
i can't think about cooking dinner until it's dinner time
i can think about 56 things at the same time
but i always forget something

i have a past addiction to cheesecurls and really high heels
the heels are still in my closet. lonely and dusty.
the cheesecurls are still keeping me from wearing my skinniest jeans :)

if i could change one thing, i would bestow my vocal chords with brilliant singing abilities

if i could never ever change one thing, it would be my morning this morning.
it was perfect.
it was everything a morning should be.
kisses and chats with my hubby.
a clean kitchen
hot coffee, too much french vanilla creamer
2 kids, chocolate chip pancakes
sun shining
my basil plant lived one more day
i have nothing on my to-do list, but live.

so that's what i'm doing.

i'm looking into who i am
so that i know myself better
although that's silly, because i should know myself already, right?
no one has spent more time with me, than me!

and yet, there are still mysteries to unfold.
so here's to me.

i hope i'm a better person tomorrow that i am today
but i hope tomorrow morning is just like it was today


  1. How profound. I think I need to make sure "living" is on my to do list every day. I love you, Ang... whoever you may be!

  2. Once again, your writing never ceases to amaze me....Whoever you are!



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