
i'm a horrible person

a few posts ago, i introduced our sweet little pup.
who's name has already changed 3 times.
she is, in fact, rediculously cute.
rediculously sweet.
rediculously adorable.

but, i am sad to lament that the day-to-day innerworkings of pet ownership have caught me a bit off guard.
from my "already-busy-with-mothering" mom perspective, i didn't even invest thought in the idea that maybe adding a baby puppy into my house already containing two babies might not be a great move.

now i know why my mom, and my mother in law and my friends and my neighbor, and my friend's sister's aunt's boyfriend's doctor's daughter told me that i was out of my mind for getting a 7 week old puppy.

now i get it.

you were all trying to save me the heartache that i now inveitably must bestow upon my family.

my family who undoubtedly loves this little pile of fur and cuteness.
i don't blame them.
she's perfectly adorable.
but i am perfectly irritable and out of sorts.
i think we jumped the gun.
i think i need another year of mothering 2 under my belt before i test the ultimate test of mothering and enter pet ownership.

she is just so stinkin cute.
she was hard to resist.
but i am sad to say i am secretly considering re-homeing her cuteness for someone else to enjoy.
don't tell my son.
my poor, soon-to-be-heartbroken son

so, here is my tribue to my dog.
who may soon be someone else's dog.
and my stone cold heart. (so my husband says )

at least i can look back at this post and remember how beautiful she was
and remember the week we had a dog.
p.s. please don't send me too many "i told you so" comments. i don't think my heart can take it. although i probably deserve it. so go ahead. send them. it serves me right. i should have to bear the pain of my soon to be dog-less children and husband. not sure the hubby will ever forgive me, though. maybe i'll just have another baby to make him forget about the puppy :)


  1. There are plenty of years to raise a dog. Children are a better return for your investment of time. Lv Dad

  2. We've been in the same boat although our dog lived outside so she just suffered through the lonliness until we had enough time and energy to play with her. 3 is a much better age to get a dog.
    ps-this is not an "i told you so."



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