
a woman obsessed.

that's me.

i've gone over to the dark side.
a bit past insomnia, and a little short of crazy town.

i can't seem to quiet my brain.

you see, i've been enabled with a rediculous pain threshold for my own creativity.
a creativity that leads me into mind torturing late nights, and enduring coffee consumption.

it's quite exhausting keeping up with myself.
my threshold has managed to absorb my recent sleep deprivation in miraculous ways.

although, as i recall, my threshhold is not quite as spry in refernece to 5" epidural needles being punched in-between my 5th and 6th vertibre,
but that's another story entirely.

i can't seem to create fast enough.
so i create various items in various stages, and by the time i get to completion, i've already sprung new ideas.

i need to grow a few more hands.

if my little endever would succeed to take off, i could hire my friends and create a summit house sweat shop and we could all work our fingers to the bone. i would offer a killer signing bonus, and you bet-your-bottom dollar the benefits package and stock options would be downright inspirational.

alas. it's just me. all alone.
no stock options. no healthcare with dental.
just me.
sewing away.

acctually, i love it.
i love the obsession.
although i could cool it down a notch and drive back toward the coastline of normalcy :)
nah. who needs normal.
or sleep, for that matter :)


  1. You know you secretly love the fact that this provides you with the excuse to drink extra cups of vanilla creamer, I mean, coffee. :)

  2. get that sewing machine ready...because I want everything.you.have.plus.some when I finally get pregnant again...

  3. You are creative on so many levels...I just love it!



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