
sometimes he talks crazy...

or does he acctually make perfect sense? hmm...

case and point.
this morning.
a newly formed long line of various vehicals form in perfect symetry.

me: "whatcha making foster?"
foster: "a long line of cars."

(ok, i guess i should have asked a more intuituve question. i'll try again.)

me: "where are they going?"
foster: "cars aren't creatures. their sick. they have to go talk to the engine doctor."

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ang, I just wanted to thank you for your comment. I'm so very proud of my sister. I was in such pain watching her make this decision and I can only hope that through this God gives her peace and a new revelation of Him. It's hard to talk to her as a non-believer, but I'm hoping through this... God will show Himself faithful to her. Thanks for your prayers and love our way. I will be lifting your family up though this journey you are on as well!
    Much love!



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